Back Yard

The Back Yard

This is the photo from the real estate listing of my house. The yard still looks pretty much just like this. I have big plans, as you would be able to tell if you saw my Pinterest Garden board, but for now, it still looks like this. My plan is to get the inside of the house in good functional order, you know, all the walls painted, all rooms with window treatments, etc., before I start on the outside. 

The yard may seem super tiny to you, but this is exactly what I was looking for when I was house hunting. I wanted a small, FLAT yard.  I am no fan of mowing or yard work in general. It is my plan to landscape a wide bed all around the perimeter of the fence, then build (well, have one built) a covered porch where the concrete pad now sits. I will build pathways and planting beds until very little grass remains. I have such confidence in this plan, I purchased a little electric lawn mower. It's good enough to mow the grass I have now, but it takes awhile- it's only 19" wide- but it will be perfecto for my yard when I enact my plan! In fact if the dog didn't need a place to do his business, I might get rid of all the grass.

When I begin adding plants, I will add a lot of perennials like Black-Eyed Susans, Daisies, Purple Coneflowers that are easy to grow, multiply quickly and I will be able to cut to bring indoors. That plan has worked for me at previous houses. 

The decision to ignore the yard for an entire year wasn't an easy one for me. I'm a little OCD, and I want everything done and perfect, like, yesterday. I only closed on this house on December 14, 2012, and I have painted and decorated my way through 90% of it as of today, July 18th. It's just hard to be patient when you have the picture in your head, what you want it to look like, ya know? AND, I love, love, looooooveee doing this kinda stuff! 

So, the yard will be generic and lame. For now. I keep telling myself the world will not stop turning because of this.

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