Tuesday, June 1, 2010

In the Old House: Family Room Vignettes

I have been working and working to try to find the right accessories for the console under the TV. I believe I finally have it right. I am now ready to leave it like this and move on to my next problem area.

I have also changed some of the things on the floating shelves behind the couch. I had stuff on them, mostly from Home Goods, that were look alike vintage or look alike  objects collected while traveling. I am going to move toward authentic vintage items only and get the pseudo crap out. So this is what I have now: the 2 copper pitchers are from my mother's house and are as old as me (definitely vintage), the silhouette is an eBay purchase. I happen to think it looks a great deal like my son, the antlers (naturally shed) are from eBay, and the trophy is from, you guessed it, eBay.

Every time I think I'm getting close to being finished with a space, I think of something that would look better. I suppose I need to just accept that no room will ever be finished.

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