Friday, June 4, 2010

In My Old House: Kitchen Remodel

I am currently in the middle of having a new floor installed in my kitchen. I have been living in complete chaos since last Thursday. Why is it taking so long, you might be asking yourself. I am asking myself that same question. My problem is my installer is trying to spread himself too thin. He was supposed to be doing a job for someone else that should have been done in a couple of days, but it has ended up taking him more than a week because "someone else" is a bossy, controlling bully that doesn't give a crap who she inconveniences or steps on as long as she gets her way (yes, I know her, and yes, this is not the first time she has interfered in my life). Hopefully my installer will be finished with her mess today and can focus on getting my floor completed. I am a little (ok, a lot) OCD anyway, and it has just about killed me to live with my kitchen furniture spread throughout the rest of my house; my kitchen table laying on its side, just inside my front door. Yikes!

UPDATE: Everything turned out okay in the end!

Here's what we ended up with:

As with every major home improvement project, you have those moments when you think, "Why did I ever start this????" Just remember that you have to put up with a little chaos and a whole lotta dust sometimes to get to the finished product! :-)

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